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时间:2014-11-08 02:34来源:网络整理 作者:网络 点击:
def loop(self): "s级频繁项级的迭代" s = 2 while True: print '-'*80 print 'The' ,s - 1,'loop' print 'location' , self.location print 'support' , self.support print 'num' , self.num print '-'*80

    def loop(self):
        s = 2
        while True:
            print '-'*80
            print 'The' ,s - 1,'loop'
            print 'location' , self.location
            print 'support' , self.support
            print 'num' , self.num
            print '-'*80

            # 生成下一级候选集
            location = self.select(s)
            support = self.sut(location)
            support, location = self.del_location(support, location)
            num = list(sorted(set([j for i in location for j in i])))
            s += 1
            if  location and support and num:
                self.pre_num = self.num
                self.pre_location = self.location
                self.pre_support = self.support

                self.num = num
                self.location = location
                self.support = support

    def confidence_sup(self):
        if sum(self.pre_support) == 0:
            print 'min_support error' # 第一次迭代即失败
            for index_location,each_location in enumerate(self.location):
                del_num = [each_location[:index] + each_location[index+1:] for index in range(len(each_location))] # 生成上一级频繁项级
                del_num = [i for i in del_num if i in self.pre_location] # 删除不存在上一级频繁项级子集
                del_support = [self.pre_support[self.pre_location.index(i)] for i in del_num if i in self.pre_location] # 从上一级支持度查找
                # print del_num
                # print self.support[index_location]
                # print del_support
                for index,i in enumerate(del_num): # 计算每个关联规则支持度和自信度
                    index_support = 0
                    if len(self.support) != 1:
                        index_support = index
                    support =  float(self.support[index_location])/self.line_num * 100 # 支持度
                    s = [j for index_item,j in enumerate(self.item_name) if index_item in i]
                    if del_support[index]:
                        confidence = float(self.support[index_location])/del_support[index] * 100
                        if confidence > self.min_confidence:
                            print ','.join(s) , '->>' , self.item_name[each_location[index]] , ' min_support: ' , str(support) + '%' , ' min_confidence:' , str(confidence) + '%'

def main():
    c = Apriori('basket.txt', 14, 3, 13)
    d = Apriori('simple.txt', 50, 2, 6)

