1. 安装相关软件
#apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-mysql 2. 下载ftp_web管理软件包 #wget 3. 解压缩及移动 #tar zxvf ftp_v2.1.tar.gz #mv ./ftp/ /var/www/ 4. 配置相关参数 #vi /var/www/ftp/config.php$LANG = "Chinese";// See the directory language for the available languages. $LocationImages = "images";// Location of images $DBHost = "mysql数据库ip地址";// Ip-address of MySQL server// (Don<92>t change this if you are using the default database) $DBLogin = "登录mysql账号";// Username of MySQL user $DBPassword = "登录mysql密码";// Password of MySQL user $DBDatabase = "ftp虚拟账号数据库名";// Name of database $FTPAddress = "pureftp所在服务器ip:21"; // Domain name or ip-address of your ftp server $DEFUserID = "你所创建的针对ftp账号的UID"; // nobody// Default user id of virtual ftp user. $DEFGroupID = "你所创建的针对ftp账号的UID"; // guest// Default group is of virtual ftp user. $UsersFile = "/etc/passwd";// The unix user file $GroupFile = "/etc/group";// The unix group file $StyleSheet = "style/default.css.php"; // The location of the style sheet $EnableQuota = 1;// Enable virtual quota's (0=Off 1=On) 5. 创建admin表 Mysql> use ftpusers;Mysql>create table if not exists `admin`(`username` varchar(35) not null default '',`password` char(32) not null default '',primary key (`username`))engine=innodb default charset=utf8; 6. 插入一个admin账号 mysql>insert into `admin` (`username`,`password`) values ('Administrator',MD5('ftppassowrd')); 7. 重启ftp及apache2 #/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd-mysql restart#/etc/init.d/apache2 restart 如果在启动apache2的过程中出现如下图所示的问题:
#vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf ServerSignature off #隐藏apache版本ServerTokens prodServerName主机名 #解决以上错误 8. 通过浏览器测试
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