getdate PHP GETDATE - 获取当前日期时间作为一个关联数组
array getdate (); array getdate (integer $Time);
The number; of; seconds; since; midnight; before; January; 1;, 1970.; (UNIX style.;)
The default; is; the; current; date; and; time; from; the; operating; system.;)
The return; value; is; an; associative; array; containing;:
mon The month; of; the; year; as; a; number; (1..12)
mday The day; of; the; month; (1..31)
year The year; (4 digits;)
hours The hour; of; the; day; (0..23)
minutes The minutes; of; the; hour; (0..59)
seconds The seconds; of; the; minute; (0..59)
month The month; of; the; year; as; a; word; (January..December)
yday The day; of; the; year; (0..365)
wday The day; of; the; week; as; a; number; (0..6)
weekday The day; of; the; week; as; a; word; (Sunday..Saturday)
0 Seconds since; midnight; before; January; 1;, 1970;
<?php $Now = getdate(); foreach ($Now as $Key => $Value) { echo "$Key => $Value\n"; } ?>
Output: seconds => 59 minutes => 14 hours => 7 mday => 26 wday => 6 mon => 12 year => 2009 yday => 359 weekday => Saturday month => December 0 => 1261811699