php的mysql/sphinx 数据库操作类
php的mysql/sphinx 数据库操作类 下面的类中有很多通用的数据库操作函数,支持mysql和Sphinx:** Mysql.php **```{.php}lt;?php/* Methods: connect Connectects to a mysql or sph
<?php /* Methods: connect Connectects to a mysql or sphinx database query queries the database and saves the result to the class q queries the database but does NOT save the result to the class insertID gets the insert ID from the query when using an insert getRow gets 1 row from the database and returns it as an array row gets the current row from a result set numRows gets the number of returned rows affectedRows gets the number of rows affected by an insert, update, delete field gets a field from a result set getOne gets one item from a database row escape escapes your query */ class Mysql{ private $conn = null; private $sql = null; private $row = null; private $server = "", $database; private $sphinx = false; public function __construct($host = null, $user = null, $pass = null, $db = null, $port = 3306, $sphinx = false){ if(is_string($host) && is_string($user) && is_string($pass) && is_string($db)){ $this=>connect($host, $user, $pass, $db, $port, $sphinx); } } public function __destruct(){ mysql_close($this->conn); } public function connect($host, $user, $pass, $db, $port = 3306, $sphinx = false){ $this->sphinx = (bool)$sphinx; $this->conn = @mysql_connect("$host:$port", "$user", "$pass"); mysql_select_db($db, $this->conn); if(!$this->sphinx){ $this->query("set time_zone = 'UTC'"); } return $this; } public function query($query){ if($this->conn === null) return false; $this->sql = mysql_query($query, $this->conn); if(mysql_error()){ echo mysql_error(); } return $this; } public function q($qurey){ if($this->conn === null) return false; mysql_query($qurey, $this->conn); if(mysql_error()){ echo mysql_error(); } return $this; } public function insertID(){ return mysql_insert_id($this->conn); } public function getRow($query){ if($this->conn === null) return false; $this->sql = mysql_query($query, $this->conn); return mysql_fetch_assoc($this->sql); } public function row(){ $this->row = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->sql); return $this->row; } public function numRows(){ return mysql_num_rows($this->sql); } public function affectedRows(){ return mysql_affected_rows($this->conn); } public function field($name, $default = ""){ if(isset($this->row[$name])) return $this->row[$name]; return $default; } public function getOne($query, $default = ""){ if($this->conn === null) return false; $sql = mysql_query($query, $this->conn); $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql); if(isset($row[0])) return $row[0]; return $default; } public function escape($string){ if($this->conn === null) return false; return mysql_real_escape_string($string, $this->conn); } public function calcFoundRows(){ if($this->sphinx){ $sql = mysql_query("show meta", $this->conn); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); mysql_data_seek($sql, 1); return $row['Value']; }else{ $sql = mysql_query("select found_rows() as total", $this->conn); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); return $row['total']; } } } ?>
<?php $db = new Mysql("localhost", "user", "password", "database"); // Looping through a result set: $db->query("select * from mytable limit 10"); // You can assign row() to a variable if you want // while($row = $db->row()){ // $user = $row["user"]; // $email = $row["email"]; // echo "$user:$email\n"; // } while($db->row()){ $user = $db->field("user"); $email = $db->field("email"); echo "$user:$email\n"; } // getting one row $row = $db->getRow("select * from users where userid = 123"); $user = $row["user"]; $email = $row["email"]; echo "$user:$email\n"; // getting one item // Example 1 $user = $db->getOne("select user from users where userid = 123"); echo $user; // Example 2 $user = $db->getOne("select user from users where userid = 123", "Admin User"); echo $user; // Displays "Admin User" if userid 123 was not found // Example 3 $is_user = (bool)$db->getOne("select 1 from users where userid = 123"); if($is_user){ echo "User exists"; }else{ echo "User does not exists"; } // Insert example $user = $db->escape($_POST["user"]); $email = $db->escape($_POST["email"]); $db->query("insert into mytable (user, email) values ('$user', '$email')"); $insert_id = $db->insertID(); echo "$insert_id\n"; ?>
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