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email 一个简单的php email类

时间:2014-06-05 16:03来源:网络整理 作者:网络 点击:
一个简单的php email类 [代码片段(50行)]
import mx.events.EventDispatcher;
import mx.utils.Delegate;

class Emailer {

    // required for EventDispatcher:
    public var addEventListener:Function;
    public var removeEventListener:Function;
    private var dispatchEvent:Function;

    // use to communicate with php script
    private var _lv:LoadVars;
    // holds address of sender
    private var _sentFrom:String;

    // constructor
    public function Emailer() {    
        _lv = new LoadVars();

    private function dataReceived(dataxfer_ok:Boolean):Void {
        // if some problem with loadVars transfer, pass back error=2
        if (!dataxfer_ok) dispatchEvent({target:this, type:'mailSent', errorFlag:2});
        // otherwise pass back error code returned from script
        else dispatchEvent({target:this, type:'mailSent', errorFlag:Number(_lv["faultCode"])});

     // Use loadvars object to send data (set to call dataReceived when script returns data)
    public function sendEmail(sub:String, fn:String, fe:String, msg:String, rep:String):Void {
        // if user already sent from this address, show error msg
        if (_sentFrom == fe) dataReceived(false);
        // otherwise set up and send
        else {
            _sentFrom = fe;
            // specify function to handle results, make scope = Emailer
            _lv.onLoad = Delegate.create(this, dataReceived);
            // set up properties of lv to items to be POSTed
            _lv.subject = sub;
            _lv.name = fn;
            _lv.email = fe;
            _lv.message = msg;
            _lv.reply = rep;
            // call script
            _lv.sendAndLoad("sendemail.php", _lv, "POST");

